How to Build a Positive Relationship with Your Domestic Helper

Hey everyone! Let’s talk about something real: domestic helpers. They keep our houses sparkling, cook delicious meals, and sometimes even become like family. But let’s be honest, figuring out that employer-employee relationship can be tricky. Living with someone who helps around the house can feel a bit awkward. You might worry about being too bossy, or maybe you just don’t know where to start. But hey, a positive relationship with your domestic helper isn’t just good for vibes; it makes life smoother for everyone! 

So, how do we overcome the awkwardness and build a positive, respectful relationship with our helpers? Buckle up because we’re about to get real and friendly!

First things first, leave the “boss” vibes. 

No one likes a micromanager, right? You know that awkward feeling when you give someone orders all day? Yeah, your helper feels that too. Treat your helper with respect and understanding. Remember, they’re individuals with lives, feelings, and preferences. Talk to them like you would a friend, listen to their concerns, and be open to their suggestions. So, let’s toss out the “I’m the boss, you do what I say” mentality and replace it with genuine respect. Here’s how:

  1. Speak kindly and respectfully. Avoid barking orders and instructions. Choose a friendly, approachable tone. Imagine talking to a good friend who’s helping you out, not an employee waiting for your next command.
  2. Remember the name! It’s a basic sign of respect. Using their name shows you see them as an individual, not just “the helper.” Go the extra mile and learn their preferred name (nickname or full name) if it’s different from their official one.
  3. Listen actively. Don’t just hear their words, truly listen to their concerns, suggestions, and frustrations. Acknowledge their input and show you value their perspective.
  4. Offer choices and flexibility. Not everything has to be your way all the time. When possible, offer choices within reasonable boundaries. Maybe they prefer specific cleaning products or have a better way to tackle a chore. Involving them in decisions shows trust and respect.
  5. Avoid micromanaging. Trust them to know their job and get it done without hovering over them every step of the way. Micromanagement breeds resentment and stifles initiative. Offer clear expectations and provide support, but give them the space to work independently.

Remember: respect is earned, not demanded. By treating your helper with kindness, consideration, and genuine interest, you’ll build a foundation for a positive and productive relationship that benefits everyone. Think of it as an investment in a happier, more harmonious home environment!

Clear communication is key.

Don’t just expect them to read your mind! Clearly explain your expectations, schedules, and preferences. But remember, communication is a two-way street. Ask them about their needs too. Maybe they have specific dietary restrictions or prefer certain cleaning methods. Flexibility is your friend. 

Encourage your helper to come to you with any questions, concerns, or suggestions they have. Let them know you’re approachable and willing to listen without judgment. This builds trust and creates a safe space for open communication. And feedback matters, but deliver it constructively: No one enjoys being yelled at. If your helper makes a mistake, offer gentle, specific feedback that focuses on solutions rather than blame. Explain what went wrong and how they can improve, and be open to their perspective.

Bonus tip: Get creative with communication! Maybe set up a weekly “check-in chat” where you discuss any concerns or adjustments. Or, leave friendly notes or messages to show appreciation and keep the communication flowing.

By fostering clear, respectful, and two-way communication, you build a foundation for a positive and rewarding relationship with your domestic helper. Remember, communication isn’t just about getting things done, it’s about building trust, understanding, and ultimately, a happy home for everyone involved.

Discuss personal space expectations openly.

When it comes to building a positive relationship with your domestic helper, respecting their personal space is important. It goes beyond just giving them a room; it’s about acknowledging them as an individual with needs for privacy and relaxation. Here’s how you can create a truly respectful environment:

  1. Knock first, always. Always knock on their door before entering, especially during their free or personal hours. Treat their room like you would your own – a space where privacy is prioritised.
  2. Be mindful of belongings. Their personal belongings are just that – personal. Don’t borrow or use their things without permission. Treat their space with the same respect you would show a guest’s belongings.
  3. Think before you share. Their personal information, be it family details, cultural practices, or financial situations, should be treated confidentially. Don’t gossip about them with others or share their private information without their consent.

How to Build a Positive Relationship with Your Domestic Helper


So, are you ready to turn your home into a space of respect, connection, and shared happiness? Remember, building a positive relationship with your domestic helper isn’t just about getting the chores done; it’s about creating a foundation of trust, appreciation, and mutual understanding.

At Bliss Helper, the best domestic helper agency, we believe in fostering harmonious relationships between employers and domestic helpers. We understand the importance of respecting personal space and creating a supportive environment where everyone thrives. With our expert matchmaking, comprehensive training, and ongoing support, we help you find the perfect domestic helper in Singapore who becomes a valued member of your household.

Ready to start this journey towards a happier, more fulfilling home life? Visit our website to explore our services and find an affordable domestic helper agency fee.

Remember, a positive relationship starts with a single step. Take it today!


  • Bliss Helper

    Bliss Helper has been a reliable maid agency in Singapore by bringing diligent domestic helpers and satisfied employers together since day one.